A huge scandal! The sorosoids Toma Belev and Krasimir Kanev are making themselves comfortable at the Council of Ministers!
- от HotArena.net
- 8 Апр 2021
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While our society is facing the coronavirus pandemic and witnessing the circus created by Vasil Bozhkov, it turns out that the scandalous grant-consumers Toma Belev from the Association of Parks in Bulgaria and Krasimir Kanev from the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee have become official councillors at the Council of Ministers.
The scheme was implemented quietly, while the procedure for selection of the members of the new Civil Society Development Council was completed in full media blackout.
Yesterday the reason for saving the information on this selection by the media in the Capital circle became clear with the public announcement of the names of the 15 NGOs that will officially oversee the civil society and will distribute state funding among the non-governmental organizations.
The amendments to the legislation became a fact in 2018. Even then it was suspected that Prokopiev’s people will virtually usurp the whole civil sector. And not only this, because the powers of this Council, which is a permanently functioning body at the Council of Ministers, are quite extensive. For example, it will decide the financing of the non-governmental organizations, which means that it will distribute amounts of BGN 60 – 70 million per annum.
Translated to a more understandable language, the grant recipients from Soros and foreign countries will now have the power to distribute the Bulgarian funding of the non-governmental sector.
And since this Council is officially required to make annual reviews of the “needs and problems of the civil organizations, as well as their results and achievements,” it is not difficult to guess where the money will go. The yellow-pavement protesters and the members of Hristo Ivanov’s Yes, Bulgaria, participating in various parasitic NGOs will be served with priority.
And so, it turns out that the state in the face of the government will pay Prokopiev’s people who will renew their walks in front of the Court House and the Council of Ministers in autumn to ask for a “judicial reform” protecting the accused oligarchs.
Undoubtedly the most characteristic faces settling comfortably in the Council are Toma Belev and Krasimir Kanev representing the Association of Parks in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, respectively.
Toma Belev and Krasimir Kanev are among the popular grant-consumers of the Transition
We remind the readers that Belev became known as the guru of the green racketeers in Bulgaria and earned himself the nickname “the wannabe ecologist”. Through the years he received millions of levs for his extremely “responsible” job of counting dolphins and ground squirrels. Together with his gang of protesters he told society a bunch of lies to thwart the building of a second ski lift in Bansko.
Belev became notorious with his active cooperation (through inactivity) in the destruction of more than 100000 ha of forests throughout the country. At the time when he was the director of Vitosha Nature Park, the alleged “specialist” should have organized sanitation felling in the coniferous forests affected by bark beetles but instead he did nothing.
With the ludicrous argument that nature will solve the problem by itself. And so, thanks to the new “councillor” at the Council of Ministers and his “ecological” lack of action, in 2017 the volume of infested wood in Bulgaria reached 53 thousand cubic meters, while one fourth of the coniferous forests in the country are bound to disappear in the future.
Krasimir Kanev and his anti-Bulgarian “Committee” became notorious through the years as they are more interested in the rights of the Roma minority than in observing the law. The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee is famous mainly as a defender of migrants, lesbians, gays and transgender persons and the organization has been involved in many scandals.
We remind the readers that its chair Krasimir Kanev defended the gypsies who beat up the commandos Valentin Dimov in Voivodinovo village. Before that he expressed an opinion that Bulgaria must take great care of the refugees, even if they break the laws, cross the border illegally and damage state property.
BHC’s impudence reached its peak when they tried to nominate the murderer Jock Pallfreeman for Man of the Year. Later it became known that Krasimir Kanev has submitted an opinion to the court saying that the Australian is reformed and must be released.
Which actually happened with the help of judge Kalin Kalpakchiev who is close to Prokopiev. Kanev’s latest blowoff was the special award “Valor of the Year” given to the hooligan Georgi Georgiev from BOEC, who is manually controlled by the accused pharaoh Tsvetan Vasilev, currently hiding in Serbia.
Another notorious NGO that has found a place at the state feast is the Association of European Journalists – Bulgaria. It includes mainly journalists from Capital and Dnevnik, for example Rosen Bosev, Spas Spasov, Kristina Hristova and Boryana Dzhambazova. AEJ became notorious with several denunciations and slandering campaigns against Bulgaria, which were full of lies and manipulations.
The NGO is managed by Irina Nedeva who has been monopolizing the air of Horizon radio for years. Her program is reserved for mercenaries from grant foundations and associations, including Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, representatives of “the green octopus”, professional protesters and lobbyists from the gay community.
The so-called Association of the European Journalists has virtually become a bat of accused oligarchs. In 2017 BLITZ discovered that the registered address of the organization is the same as the place where, according to the scandalous shorthand records ARGO, in November 2016 Ivo Prokopiev and the failed politicians Hristo Ivanov, Antoaneta Tsoneva, Radan Kanev, etc. laid the foundations of the political GMO Yes, Bulgaria.
The Civil Society Development Council will also include other NGOs close to Soros and Prokopiev that are still receiving grants from foreign foundations, namely the Bulgarian Centre for Not-For-Profit Law, the Bulgarian Donors Forum, the Workshop for Civic Initiatives, and the Teach for Bulgaria Foundation
At the end of the day the Council will be dominated by proteges of the accused Ivo Prokopiev and its status as a permanent body basically means that each action of the government in the field of civil society will be wholly dependent on the approval of compromised persons like Toma Belev and Krasimir Kanev.
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