4 Март 2025

A pseudo-ecologist of Prokopiev is telling green lies about Delyan Peevski.

A pseudo-ecologist of Prokopiev is telling green lies about Delyan Peevski.

There are no ministers of Peevski. There is a prime minister of Peevski. This complete nonsense, part of the anchor points of the oligarchs, was conceived by a municipal councillor from Sofia, an old partner of Ivo Prokopiev – Vladislav Panev.

The fake anchor point was, of course, popularized by a media in the accommodating mainstream of Prokopiev. Funny, isn’t it. The member of parliament and publisher Delyan Peevski hired the prime minister of Bulgaria, the psycho-rights insists. If this is true, then Peevski might also have “hired” Dalai Lama. And this would indeed be hilarious if it was not a part of the fascisoid hybrid war against Delyan Peevski, led for years by a handful of oligarchs and their steadfast tin soldiers (trolls).

The insolent lies about a connection between Peevski and Borisov were disproved several times by the prime minister himself. And he did not have to explain, because the facts are obvious.

How brazen must you be to say that black is white, to put stolen money in your pocket and shout, “Catch the thief!”

The political appointments in Borisov’s cabinets were made by Ivo Prokopiev. And not only this. His long Razgrad hands are arranging interim cabinets, paying protesters, appointing persons in the judicial system, writing anchor points and lobbyist laws. Prokopiev is a master in acting behind the scenes. Meanwhile his marionettes and trolls are barking in the mainstream opposing this same double-dealing with fake aplomb. This is called cynicism and political impudence.

To support the allegations – something that the paid “analysts” of the Razgrad-Dubai-Belgrade coalition never do – we will give an example. Vladislav Panev who is talking about the made-up dependence Peevski-Borisov is a municipal councillor in Sofia from the so-called Democratic Bulgaria. Panev is the co-chair of the small Green Movement party that, in spite of its modest electorate of lovers of beer in plastic bottles, is capable of much mischief. And this is what it is doing. The movement in question is one of the screens of the green octopus in Bulgaria. It consists of pseudo-ecologists who get in the way of state projects worth billions by lobbying with secret motives, but remain silent about the ecological crimes of the oligarchs. They are also not saying anything about the eco-crimes of their fellows from the green mafia including Toma Belev who “slept through” (maybe on purpose) the invasion of the European spruce bark beetle that is methodically destroying the green treasure of the country: the Bulgarian forest.

And so, the green “politician” in question, Vladislav Panev, is a part of the small coalition Democratic Bulgaria in the Municipal Council of Sofia. The coalition also includes Ivan Kostov’s Democrats for Strong Bulgaria and Hristo Ivanov’s Yes, Bulgaria. Nice, eh? These same people are more devoted to GERB’s cause than GERB’s own members in the Municipal Council, but at the same time they are talking about a “secret coalition” between GERB and DPS. Well now, this is not nice because it is a pure lie. Or rather a dirty lie!

Vladislav Panev, who went to the gun slit to repeat the anchor points of Prokopiev’s mainstream is not a random guy. His person is colourful like the flag of the LGBT society which he hypocritically supports. It is colourful like his collection of attractive real estates abroad and in the centre of the Bulgarian capital.

It turns out that being a green politician from an electorally frail party is quite profitable, because Vladislav Panev is among the richest members of the Municipal Council of Sofia. He has an 85-square-meter flat in the Dutch city of Tilburg that costs BGN 356935 (this is the declared amount, but the actual amount is likely higher).

Panev also owns four or five flats and houses in Sofia. Part of them are rented to migrants from exotic countries like Pakistan. He has also declared stocks and shares for BGN 2 882792.

Panev the “ecologist” is a former employee of Ivo Prokopiev but evidently continues to work for the oligarch from Razgrad on the “quiet frontline”. Some time ago he became a chair of the Green Movement, although the position was expected to be taken by Toma Belev, Andrey Kovachev, Petko Kovachev or Petko Tsvetkov. Who is protecting Mr. Panev while he is advancing in his political carrier?

Here are the facts and you can answer this question for yourselves. Vladislav Panev’s business is entangled in interesting schemes and friendships with the Capital circle of the oligarch Ivo Prokopiev. He owns the fund Sky Management of Assets AD, a managing company established in 2006 under the name It Worked with Capital AD. The name was changed in 2013. Currently the company manages the contractual funds Sky New Shares, Sky Finance and Sky Global ETFs. Substantial capitals from the resources of the pension funds in Bulgaria are invested in companies of Vladislav Penev and Ivo Prokopiev, Trud wrote in an investigation.

According to the daily newspaper more than BGN 7.5 million has been invested in the Sky fund managed by Panev. The money was transferred by the pension funds DSK Rodina, Doverie and Saglasie. For the first two there are clear facts showing connections with the company circles around Ivo Prokopiev. Panev is also an ex-employee of Dnevnik newspaper and a confidant of the Razgrad oligarch.

The “ecologist” Panev obviously cashes well his connections with Prokopiev, the master of the mainstream. He likes to travel to exotic places and to brag about it. He has been to Pakistan, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Zanzibar, Uganda, Ruanda and Kenya. He has visited those countries with his wife to go to safaris. This is an expensive pleasure reserved only for the rich. As a tourist Panev has also been to Bali, Eastern Timor, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Russia and others. Spending 60 or 70 thousand dollars a year on exotic journeys is like a flee bite.

And so, this green traveller and employee of Prokopiev who votes together with GERB in the Municipal Council of Sofia is talking about a “connection” between Delyan Peevski and Borisov. Maybe he was in Bali last week when the party of the member of parliament Peevski voted against the cabinet during the vote of no-confidence. Still this does not give him the right to lie like an old green… ecologer.




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    3 Апр 2021

    Какви са тези платени статии сега на английски? Към коя публика са насочени?


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