19 Март 2025

Bozhkov TV and the Green Octopus with another suggestion – the ecological racketeer Toma Belev wants to ban the access to the Seven Rila Lakes

Bozhkov TV and the Green Octopus with another suggestion – the ecological racketeer Toma Belev wants to ban the access to the Seven Rila Lakes

Prohibition of visits of the Seven Rila Lakes – this is what the green octopus Toma Belev wants. Of course, his tribune, Bozhkov TV, was convenient for making all kinds of suggestions. With his summer shirt unbuttoned, Belev stated that the visitors were about 4000 per day. This led to swamping of the lakes and their protection required a limitation of the access. A premediated report was broadcasted with the aim to suggest that the crowding people take up more space than the grass in the lakes’ circus.

In his typical style, under the benevolent eye of Anton Hekimyan, Belev waved a piece of paper with a scheme. According to his green calculations during the past 12 years the state has not expressed any interest in nature’s protection and conservation. The viewers who had forced themselves to watch the boring morning block of Bozhkov TV were left with the impression that Belev was begging for money and complaining that he cannot get his hands on this potential feeder. Another green activist, Rashid Rashid, did research on site. He discovered that a parking space costs BGN 5, while the two-way ticket for the cable car costs BGN 20.

And so, because of the financial interests of the green octopus, the Bulgarian tourists may be robbed of their right to visit one of the most beautiful spots in Bulgaria.




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