13 Март 2025

Interpol will work with the compromised WWF in Bulgaria

Interpol will work with the compromised WWF in Bulgaria

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), for which the Buzzfeednews.com site has revealed how its mercenaries commit murders and rapes in Africa and Asia and is exposed as an offshore money laundering organization, has now reached Interpol and is joining efforts to fight forest crimes. WWF has long been exposed as an organization that uses nature conservation causes to make billions.

The WWF branch in Bulgaria is headed by Vesselina Kavrakova, who is the wife of “green” Toma Belev, former head of the Vitosha Nature Park.

Approximately 30 NGOs gravitate around the WWF. The leadership of everyone is intertwined in a limited range of people based on family-friendly relationships and dependencies.

The pseudo “green” WWF is a lobbying organization that is also offshore. Behind environmental NGOs there are many parliamentary agents appropriating hundreds of millions of European and European budgets.

The scandalous WWF is now part of an Interpol project to protect forests in our country from illegal logging. So far, \"environmentalists\" have not been particularly active against illegal logging, and the only thing they do is use data from state institutions in order to demonstrate competence.

Using tens of millions of European subsidies they count Red-breasted Goose, Vultures, Bats, and Dolphins...

It is interesting how the \"greens\" who are involved in different corporate pressure schemes will cooperate with Interpol and counteract the crimes in the forestry sector.

Source: http://www.glasove.com



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4 коментара

  • img
    1 Фев 2020

    One missed letter, compared to the grammatical mess created by a “professional” journalist . And since this is an article on a public website I believe it is here to be read. How would I know I don’t like it if I didn’t read it first. I know logic is hard for some people but damn......Feel free not to answer as I won’t respond to you

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    Correct your mistakes first asshole!
    28 Яну 2020

    Too dumb or to dumb, stupid piece of shit?? Why not go and fuck yourself! Do not try to offend other people ok? If you don’t like the article don’t read it!

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    18 Яну 2020

    Please hire someone with basic knowledge in English to write those paid articles, such poor language skills it almost huts to read. Thank God most of your readers are to dumb to even understand English and they can’t read this shameless propaganda which obviously follows someone’s agenda. Pathetic.

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    12 Яну 2020

    Кога пък стана 9 август ? Машина на времето ли имате ?


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