11 Март 2025

Ivo Prokopiev’s pool in Budzhaka turned out to be illegal

Ivo Prokopiev’s pool in Budzhaka turned out to be illegal

The pool and the fence of Ivo Prokopiev in Budzhaka are illegal, according to a report of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Sozopol Municipality was seised after an inspection ordered by the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) in relation to illegal construction and access to the beach of the Black Sea to the National Construction Control Directorate and performed by RDNCC Burgas.

Representatives of the municipality have established violations of the provisions of Article 157, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Territorial Development Act (TDA) in the construction of an outdoor pool in a private property in the area of Budzhaka, Sozopol locality and a notice establishing an administrative offence was issued. Based on these findings and following an administrative proceeding the mayor of Sozopol Municipality issued an order for suspension of the construction and installation work at the site.

The construction may continue only with the permission of the administrative body issuing the order after elimination of the causes for suspension of the construction and presentation of adequate proof for this. The order was served on a proxy of the owner.

In the same property representatives of the municipality have found an illegal construction, two meters high solid fence erected in violation of the issued building permit. Proceedings were followed by another order by the mayor of Sozopol for demolition of the illegal construction above 60 cm height, as envisaged in the permit.

After the order takes effect, the owner will be invited to implement the demolition voluntarily. Alternatively, a forced demolition will be implemented.

On SAPO’s orders a series of inspections of the competent bodies NCCD/RDNCC, municipalities and ministries were carried out during the months of July, August and September in relation to illegal construction and limited access to the beach of the Black Sea. As a result, many stop-work orders and demolition orders were issued regarding illegal construction in Rosenets Park on Obzor Beach. Established violations resulted in a protest against the building permit of 10 September 2018 issued by the chief architect of Sozopol Municipality for Alepu Village and eight other building permits of 05 December 2019 issued by the chief architect of Nesebar Municipality for Venid Eco Village Complex: apartment buildings and a hotel – stage construction, 36 houses/small houses.




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