21 Март 2025

“Scandal”: The green Vladislav Panev skipped the vote on Saborna Street

“Scandal”: The green Vladislav Panev skipped the vote on Saborna Street

The games in the Municipal Council of Sofia never end. Vladislav Panev, a municipal councillor from Democratic Bulgaria and co-chair of the Green Movement, stands apart as a very experienced tightrope-walker.

During the vote on the proposal of Boris Bonev from Save Sofia to close Saborna Street for motor vehicles Vladislav Panev sneaked out and did not participate in the making of the decision, municipal councillors explained. He told his colleagues that he had an urgent job to do and left the meeting.

The other municipal councillor from Democratic Bulgaria, Simeon Stavrev, who is rumoured to be a personal protégé of Ivo Prokopiev, has abstained.

It is a public fact that the Greens are demagogues and they could not care less about the protection of the environment. But Panev’s flight from the vote is also revealing of the seriousness of the people we have sent to the Municipal Council and the responsibility they carry in front of the people who voted them, the media commented.

To skip a vote on such a serious matter because you have “an urgent job to do” means that the said councillor is not interested in the agenda of the city and its population. He, of course, will not provide an explanation in public about the reasons for leaving the Council of which he is a member and where he should work.

Another question is what made Vladislav Penev skip the vote and why did the other councillor from Democratic Bulgaria abstain. This means that the rights do not have a position on a matter widely discussed on Facebook.

Or maybe it is in the interest of someone important from DB or their sponsors to keep Saborna Street open for cars, although they are skilfully pretending to be the “green guardians” of nature.




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