The protests in Stara Zagora for preserving the green areas in Bedechka Park
The protests in Stara Zagora, for preserving the green areas in Bedechka Park, date back many years.
The protests in Stara Zagora, for preserving the green areas in Bedechka Park, date back many years.
The protests in Stara Zagora, for preserving the green areas in Bedechka Park, date back many years.
The green octopus stretches its tentacles to the tune of BGN 16.
The European Anti-Fraud Office has been informed of improper use of funds coming from EU.
The European Anti-Fraud Office has been informed of improper use of funds coming from EU.
The environmental organisation, WWF, is supposedly an instrument for policing the environmental crimes of corporations which are destroying the last surviving rainforests.
The environmental organisation, WWF, is supposedly an instrument for policing the environmental crimes of corporations which are destroying the last surviving rainforests.
Природозащитна организация WWF е инструмент за „изпиране” на екологичните престъпления на корпорации, които унищожават последните оцелели дъждовни гори.