The “Greens” are like watermelons, red on the inside! They are getting millions while threatening human lives
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- 2 Апр 2021
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The Green Movement, renamed after existing for 11 years under the name of Green Party, is the one that nominated Toma Belev for a member of the European Parliament in 2007. At that time, it was a part of the three-party coalition of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) and the National Movement for Stability and Progress (NDSV). This was the beginning of the political ambitions of Toma Belev who has not missed an election ever since. At the last elections in 2019, in alliance with the party of Hristo Ivanov, they managed to put through 12 municipal councillors. His partner, Vladislav Panev, led a battle against the Bulgarian energy industry, because the millions appropriated from the plans for management of protected territories are not enough. In fact, Vladislav Penev was unexpectedly promoted to co-chair the Green Movement, although until the last moment everyone thought that the position was meant for Toma Belev. Since the two men are from the same circle of friends and their workplaces are quite intertwined, we can conclude that Belev has given a heads up to his associate. And maybe this is not a mistake.
For ten years under the leadership of Vladislav Panev the green party transformed from red to blue. In the last year the student surpassed his teacher. First, the party started a campaign against the corruption in Sofia Municipality and asked for revision. This is happening, of course, before the elections. Then they encouraged the people to support the reputable nomination of GERB in the second round of the elections. This gave them 12 seats in the Municipal Council in Sofia and turned them into a coalition partner of GERB. Not even a year after they want GERB to resign at the national scale, excluding Sofia, of course, because they have already settled comfortably there.
Human lives are threatened in the mountains which are becoming increasingly dangerous under the impetus of the ecologists and Toma Belev. According to the Greens any new buildings would threaten the biodiversity. If anyone decides to do something, appeals are lodged. And, to be on the safe side, the building of structures that may save lives in bad weather, such as shelters and cabins, is dressed in a cumbersome procedure. The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), for example, is protecting the population of the red-breasted goose for EUR 2.6 million. Millions, if not more than a billion Euros, have been appropriated for the conservation of mammals, birds and insects. Meanwhile for the protection of humans there is a heavy procedure in place, requiring, among other procedures, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The mountains are becoming more dangerous, while the ecologists are getting richer and more influential. Proof can be found on the pages of dozens of media, signed by a number of respected journalists. They, of course, are accused of protecting corporative interests. Because the green cause is skilfully used to instil fear, while its orators appropriate millions.
Well-cashed populism does not protect people or nature; it only fills the accounts of the likes of Vlado Panev. The transformation from red-green to blue-green is not discussed, similarly to the ruling coalition in the capital.
It is the same old story: DPS are forgetting that they have been together and start riding the wave; they want the government’s resignation, failing to remind everyone that they are ruling together and come up with new fears to scare the people.
The saviours are coming and one thing is certain: the millions for green transformation set aside by Europe will disappear in their accounts.
And while we are trembling with fear, their influence is growing, as well as their savings.
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