This is how the Green party of grant-takers turned into a bog the Coral beach
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- 19 Окт 2018
- 1 коментар

The coastline is full of “eco” junk
The economist Vladimir Karolev showed the awkward truth from the Coral beach.
He posted a video on his Facebook profile, showing disorders at the coastline. The so-called Greenshave turned this little slice of paradise at the Southern Black Sea coast literally into a bog.
Despite the ban, the wild campers have erected their tents again on the dunes they claim to protect.
Besides, the beach is full of “eco” junk.
The wild campers showed the misery of the Coral Beach, but why did not they say whose the blame for it?
Just a few months ago the Greens asked the state to allocate BGN 40 million from the money of the Bulgarian taxpayers in order to redeem the private property behind the Coral beach. Perhaps,theiraim is to continue camping for freeduring the whole summer and of course - the area is protected so that no one can go nearby.Anyone apart from themselves.
It is a “river” that passes through the property of the Spanish company Iberdrola (bigger revenue than the Gross Domestic Product of Bulgaria) and which is,as the party of grant-takers the socialite Greens and some people from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, conferring benefits along with the Greens, claim, a habitat of the snowflake and because of which it should become a nature reserve”, wrote Vladimir Karolev in his account.
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1 коментар
19 Окт 2018Vladimir Karolev die in pain you asshole.