23 Март 2025

Toma Belev is not saying a word about Prokopiev’s house on Budzhaka

Toma Belev is not saying a word about Prokopiev’s house on Budzhaka

The usually hyperactive “ecologist” Toma Belev says nothing about the concrete poured by Ivo Prokopiev and his ex-partner Filip Harmandzhiev on Budzhaka promontory near Sozopol. He is also not shedding a word about the fact that the large luxurious houses are located in the Kolokita protected area.

He is as silent as a fish about the presence of Natura 2000 zones there or about the destruction of birds’ nests. He is blind for the concrete columns of the bunker-style house of Harmandzhiev erected on the sea rocks. He is as mute as a guerrilla fighter at an interrogation about the fact that some of the buildings in the properties are illegal and must be demolished. He would not dare say that the two oligarchs have blocked the public access to the rocks of Germankata.

He is deaf for the protests of the locals and tourists about the overdevelopment of Budzhaka. Why, Belev? Allegedly, you are a great conservationist, an honest man of principles. You are supposed to fight the lawlessness and the concrete in nature. Why are you not in the studios of BTV and BNR to defeat the oligarchs who violate the law? You are not saying a word. And this is for a reason. Prokopiev is the boss and there better be no protesters in front of his house.




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